Success Stories

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Ashley’s Hormone Testimonial: ” How could I be in my mid-40s and feel decades older?”

My 40s did not feel like the new 30. I was tired all the time, no energy for my regular exercise, sleepless nights, loss of muscle, foggy head and, my hair was falling out. I was already struggling with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, so to experience all of these symptoms, oh, and reduced sex drive, just seemed like a cruel joke. I felt trapped in a body that I didn’t recognize or feel was my own. My emotions were all over the place and I felt I was barely functioning most of the time. After the free initial consultation, I met with Dr. Scinta and instantly felt connection and hope! She explained the advantages of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy and gave me confidence that she could help. Her knowledge about hormones and the relationship to my hypothyroidism was what had eluded my primary medical care for years. Making the decision for Bioidentical Hormone Therapy came very easy. Within a week of my first treatment, my energy was returning, my mood and emotions improving, and my body started to feel less foreign. After a few weeks, I felt like myself, but even more vibrant than I had in a very long time. My skin and complexion appeared more youthful, exercise felt good again, I gained muscle again and my libido was back – my body felt like my own again. Dr. Scinta and her team are so caring and supportive and continue to be an integral part of my health care journey. I am forever grateful to have found Dr. Scinta and the Medical Weight Loss team!

Click here to get Custom Keto Diet – Updated For 2024 at discounted price while it’s still available…

Mary’s Hormone Testimonial…. Another wonderful story and an incredible endorsement from her husband!

My name is Mary, I am 57 years old and have been getting Bioidentical Hormone replacement pellets for over 2 years now and one thing I can tell you firsthand is that it is the absolute best thing I have ever done for myself and my family. When I first started menopause, I tried to push through the mood swings, hot flashes, lack of desire to do anything, lack of sleep etc. I tried vigorous exercise and taking natural supplements and nothing helped. I then decided to go to my Gynecologist and go on HRT….the pharmaceutical kind of HRT. It helped a little bit but not a lot. I started reading up on pharmaceutical HRT and it’s a little scary so I decided to go off of them. That is when my research started for a more natural form of HRT and that is when I found Medical Weight Loss of CNY and Dr. Wendy Scinta and NP Julie Cannizzo. They have changed my life. If you do your research you will find out that HRT actually reduces our risk of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease. So what better than plant based HRT? When I started getting bioidentical hormone pellets, I felt 100% better in every way. More energy, I was able to get a good night’s sleep, I could exercise, I stopped getting hot flashes and my physical relationship with my husband improved tremendously. Not only does menopause affect us mentally but physically as well. I guess in a nutshell for me the pellets are “the fountain of youth” I haven’t felt this good since I was in my 20’s. My husband and I have been together since we were 16 years old. We dated for 10 years and have been married for 31 years and our relationship has never been better. All I can say is I felt like a flatliner before the pellets. They completely changed my life. For what it’s worth my husband said that he doesn’t care what the cost of the pellets are…..I’d pay a million dollars every 3 months!! I got my wife back!!

Click here to get The Smoothie Diet: 21 Day Rapid Weight Loss Program at discounted price while it’s still available…

Marge D: One Hot Mess . . . For Real, Not For Fake!

Before meeting Dr. Wendy Scinta and her staff, I was one hot mess. I couldn’t even make it to the mailbox and back. You name it…no energy, no desire, no motivation. Just mental fog, procrastination, pain, hot flashes, night sweats, chills, thinning hair, dry skin, mood swings, insomnia and weight gain. Already recovering from Lyme Disease and heavy metal poisoning, and having the daily struggle of Hashimoto thyroiditis…I’m now dealing with the symptoms that come with hormone imbalance and menopause. Good grief batman. THANK GOD FOR DR. SCINTA AND HER STAFF!!! What a breath of fresh air! A free initial, in-depth consult, serious blood workup, lengthy sit-down explanation of the results…had me shaking my head as to why I consider myself one of the lucky ones to have found this clinic. The pellet insertion is fast and easy. They explain each step along the way. You leave with an ice pack, instructions for the next couple of days…and you’re on your way to “knowing that the door, is a door”…you then find yourself writing that long list of to-do’s that you’ve been procrastinating with – AND you do them! Ahhh the satisfaction of crossing off a to-do item! Less pain, no hot flashes or night sweats, uninterrupted sweet sleep…and, I know you’re not going to believe this…but…I have definition in my upper arms within days of my insertion. I’ve not only found my way to the mailbox and back…but I’ve recently signed up for body building competition training…for real!!

Click here to get If you’re ready to start burning

Mary Lou: ” I am building muscle and losing fat without making any changes to my regular routine. I feel more like 26 than 62.”

The decision to add bioidentical hormone replacement to my weight loss maintenance plan has been nothing short of life-changing. After menopause, I had gotten used to the “new normal” of poor sleep, foggy brain, low energy and low libido. I consulted with Dr. Scinta and her staff to understand what benefits I might expect, and was thrilled that within two weeks of my first insertion, all of those symptoms disappeared. Beyond that, since receiving the hormone replacement, I can workout longer and harder. I am building muscle and losing fat without making any changes to my regular routine. I feel more like 26 than 62. It is as if the aging process has completely reversed! Dr. Scinta and her staff and wonderful, supportive collaborators as I work to maintain my best health. It is a joy being a patient in this practice!

Michelle: “I’ve experienced an improvement in all of the above symptoms, so much so that I cannot imagine life without it.”

Several years ago I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, a severe form of hypothyroidism. I searched tirelessly for answers and finally was put on the right medication. However, I still suffered from low energy, low libido and weight gain. I was extremely frustrated.

After continued research, I started on Bioidentical hormone therapy two years ago and it’s been a real game-changer. I‘ve experienced an improvement in all of the above symptoms, so much so that I cannot imagine life without it. I used to struggle horribly to recover from workouts, but not anymore. I have muscle tone again at age 50 and my libido is back and better than ever. I’ve also noticed my skin has more of a youthful radiance that I didn’t have before.

I’ve found Dr. Scinta to be very professional, approachable and incredibly genuine and compassionate in her care for my progress. The staff is always so friendly and helpful. This has truly been such a blessing in my life!

Cynthia: “It took addressing my hormone imbalance with Dr Scinta, to realize how significant a role they play in everything from sleeplessness, pain, and foggy thinking, to desire and joy.”

I took a long time coming to the idea of medical weight loss. It was my well educated and informed son who insisted I consult a doctor who understood the role of estrogen and testosterone in weight loss.

I have yet to join the “program” because I genuinely wanted to concentrate on getting my hormones straightened out.

I had my ovaries out over 2 decades ago. I never had hormone replacement due to the problems and risks associated with them at that time. I had few issues but did not notice the slow decline in my overall wellbeing, other than a steady weight gain which I attributed to my own lack of resolve, consistency, hunger, busy-ness, responsibilities and aging.

It took addressing my hormone imbalance with Dr Scinta, to realize how significant a role they play in everything from sleeplessness, pain, and foggy thinking, to desire and joy.

Genuinely, I tell every woman I meet to never settle for depression, frustration, weight gain, insomnia, a sense of malaise, a distancing from spouse, whatever they attribute to menopause, and really don’t give up on the joy of sex and how it impacts your self-esteem and the people who love you!

I am joyful again, rested, in virtually no pain and yes, I have finally after 3 rounds of treatment, begun to address my weight. I needed a great deal of emotional healing and am honoring that as I go forward.

I’ve lost only 15 pounds now and I am not miraculously shedding them at all. The hormones are not a magic bullet for weight loss. It requires consistency and wise choices, along with a hope I haven’t felt in ages.

Don’t acquiesce to menopause, natural or otherwise, and the waining of desire, passions, restful nights, the pain and the accompanied emotional roller coaster women seem to think is our lot in life.

Seek answers, research, but make an appointment and find out if treatments and balanced hormones can be your answer too.

Tammy: “I’ve lost over 50lbs within 2 years. I feel so much better and cannot thank Dr. Scinta and her staff enough…”

It’s been 2 years since making that phone call to Dr. Scinta’s office, so glad I did!

It’s been 2 years since making that phone call to Dr. Scinta’s office, so glad I did! I had enough with feeling lethargic, the weight gain, night sweats, migraine headaches, and absolutely no libido. When my bloodwork came back, to which she went over in full detail with me, to find out not only was my testosterone extremely low so was my metabolism. After my first pellet insertion, I could tell something was happening. My energy level had increased tremendously. I started losing weight, no more night sweats, no headaches and my libido was like, helloooo! My husband was so funny in saying “I don’t care what this costs, I have my wife back!”

I’ve lost over 50lbs within 2 years. I feel so much better and cannot thank Dr. Scinta and her staff enough for taking the time to introduce me to me again.

Vandana: ” Dr. Scinta’s bioidentical hormone replacement therapy has been a life-changer for me. “

Dr. Scinta’s bioidentical hormone replacement therapy has been a life-changer for me. Post-menopause, I suffered for several years. I was always fatigued, and I had intense body aches, as well as symptoms that were misdiagnosed as shingles. At my first meeting with Dr. Scinta, she immediately understood my situation, and it was a relief to not be looked at as a hypochondriac. She was compassionate and humorous, and I trusted her immediately. I could tell that she genuinely cared. Exactly one week after the first pellet insertion, I felt that a switch had been turned on – my aches went away, I had lots of energy, I began to sleep better, I lost the extra post-menopausal weight, and my mental fog cleared. I was ecstatic! I now have my old life back, where I can go biking and skiing with my daughter, without pain and with joy.

Dr. Scinta is amazing, and all her staff are friendly and very competent. I have been on this treatment for several years, and I plan to continue with it for the rest of my life. There is no reason to live in pain and compromise on one’s life quality. Thank you, Dr. Scinta!

Steve: “I found new motivation at work, and have started numerous projects”

Over the past 8-9 months I have been working with Medical Weight Loss of NY in Dewitt to get my testosterone back in balance. As older men we lose our stored up testosterone, and I really felt it. I was battling some depression, had a short fuse, and was a little tired most of the time. Women have had hormone injections/supplements for years, and I sure am glad we realize that lots of men need testosterone supplements too.

I received my first testosterone implant at MWL and after a few weeks I could feel myself getting back to the old me. I found new motivation at work, and have started numerous projects that had gone by the wayside, because I was just a little too tired to get them started. I am fortunate that I had a friend of mine who is also involved with some testosterone therapy tell me about it. I started to research it, and boy am I glad I did.

I couldn’t recommend this any higher. And we are so lucky to have Medical Weight Loss of NY to guide me through the process so that it fits my needs. Thanks MWL you’ve really helped me enjoy my Empty nester years, thanks. Steve.

Shelly: “I feel like my young self again!”

I began suffering from all of the classic symptoms of decreased hormone levels – fatigue, trouble sleeping, unexplained weight gain, foggy brain, low libido – and was miserable. I started to receive Bioidentical hormone replacement pellets and it changed my life. I can’t imagine going through the rest of my life without them. I literally feel 25 again and over the first year of receiving the pellets I lost 20 pounds! The staff at Dr. Scinta’s office is friendly, accommodating and professional.

I’m going to grow old gracefully and continued hormone replacement will forever be part of my routine. There is absolutely no reason to suffer from the symptoms of decreased hormone levels. get a consultation today!

Heather: “I feel sensuous, alive, energized and my brain is working normally again.”

I have been receiving the bioidentical hormone replacement pellets through Dr. Scinta’s office for several years now, and love how it makes me feel. My testosterone had been quite low, and I had been feeling lethargic, with some periods of feeling like I wasn’t as quick on my toes mentally as I was used to. I was experiencing relatively low libido compared to just a few years earlier and was also having trouble sleeping with terrible night sweats. Shortly after I started the bio-identical hormone replacement pellets, I noticed a boost in my energy and mood, with no more feelings of foggy brain. My sleep is now consistent and steady without waking multiple times during the night, and no more night sweats. I wake up most days feeling rested and refreshed. I feel sensuous, alive, energized and my brain is working normally again. I have energy and am back to the gym on a regular and consistent basis. It has been a life-saver for me, with no downside. I highly recommend this if you are experiencing any symptoms similar to what I was.

Joanne S.: “I noticed an increase in clarity, energy, and body strength, with no adverse reactions”*

My experience with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy has been wonderful so far. Within a few weeks after I started treatment, I noticed an increase in clarity, libido, energy, and body strength, with no adverse reactions. I am an active 61-year old, with a very demanding executive-level job and full-time work schedule, who also strength trains. I have a 99-year-old mother who is still going strong, and a father who remained in good health until he passed away from “natural causes” at 95. Since longevity and good health are apparently on my side, I wanted to preserve as much youthful vitality as possible, to age “gracefully” and to maintain “quality of life”, for as long as possible. I believe this treatment will help me attain those goals. It already has helped me attained some of them. The staff at Medical Weight Loss of Central New York is the best … five stars! They are professional, patient, encouraging, and just nice people.

Fairlie: “I can continue teaching with renewed zeal!”*

In 2015, I met Dr. Scinta who diagnosed my hormone deficiencies and, after researching in consultation with other progressive medical professionals, agreed to treat my condition with SottePelle hormone pellets. Dr. Scinta is a pioneer who has the compassion, knowledge and courage to seek solutions to improve the lives of those suffering from hormonal imbalances and other challenges. The dryness, foggy memory, low energy levels and lack of sexual drive have improved dramatically, and I can continue teaching with renewed zeal! Please, please, please understand that you do not need to endure these types of conditions like I did for so many years. At the very least, consult with Dr. Scinta before you resign yourself to living with treatable medical issues.

Abbie: “I knew the BHRP that Dr. Scinta’s offer would help me get better and that Dr. Scinta understood this. And it truly has.”*

I am delighted to write this review for Dr. Wendy Scinta. I have been a patient of Dr. Scinta’s for over one year. My treatment includes the bioidentical hormone replacement therapy of SotoPelle pellets (testosterone and estrogen) and take progesterone tablets.

I have read the reviews written by other patients; they are invariably highly complimentary. I can say that from my experience that each one is true. Each review describes the specific symptoms that I too was experiencing and that were making me miserable, including uncontrollable weight gain, extreme loss of energy and libido, random pain, and fitful sleep. I felt I was prematurely aging and this was depressing. Blood tests confirmed that my testosterone levels were very low; so was my metabolism. I was delighted! This was because I knew the BHRP that Dr. Scinta’s offer would help me get better and that Dr. Scinta understood this. And it truly has.

I have every intention of continuing this treatment, which includes regular blood tests to ensure I am getting exactly what I need. I am very grateful for Dr. Scinta.

Renee: I finally feel like my “Young Self” again!*

At 48 I started to notice “brain fog”, hot flashes, trouble resting at night, night sweats, restlessness and increased aches and pains. People kept telling me “this was part of getting old.” I began thinking to myself that people just give up when experiencing these life-changing symptoms. I was not accepting that and was turning the negative into positive; 40 is the new 30 and 50 is the new 40. I did my due diligence and researched all the pros and cons regarding BHRT. I talked to a couple people who were already on BHRT to get their experiences. I decided to try it! Best thing I have ever done, immediately (within 48 hours) the hot flashes subsided, my sleep pattern was more consistent, and moodiness improved. After about a month, I saw an amazing improvement in my energy level and relief from the aches and pains. My workouts improved, my workdays didn’t feel so long and overall I felt more like I did when I was in my 30’s. I have now been on BHRT for over a year and I can’t imagine life without it.

David: After the testosterone pellet insertion, the increase in energy helped with my weight loss and motivation to exercise.*

I’ve been seeing Dr. Scinta since 2012. She and the great staff at MWLNY have been helping me battle my weight and get back to a healthy state. Last fall, I noticed that I always seemed to be tired, lack energy and my mood was always poor. Even though I had moved away from Syracuse, I still knew I could count on Dr. Scinta to help me.

I discussed this with Dr. Scinta and she suggested getting my bloodwork checked for low testosterone. We had done this in the past and I had been borderline low. When the test results came back, it showed that my testosterone levels had gone to lower levels and she suggested we try the testosterone replacement therapy.

I scheduled an appointment for the next time I would be in Syracuse for the pellet insertion. The procedure was very easy and painless. Within a few days, I could see my energy levels going up and my overall mood was improving. The increase in energy helped with my weight loss and motivation to exercise.

It’s been about 6 months since I had my hormone replacement and I have started to feel a little decrease in energy. I knew right away it was time to call the office again to have the bloodwork done so I could get a booster. I would highly recommend this to any man in his 50’s who is seeing a general decrease in energy and motivation.

Monica: My ability to multi-task and plan ahead improved greatly, I felt like a human being again with hormone replacement therapy*

Dr. Scinta and staff are amazing!! Prior to the pellets, I felt like I was slowly losing my mind and no energy to try to find it. The brain fog that I was experiencing was affecting my daily living and was starting to become a bit scary for me. I am very good at multi-tasking and was finding it increasingly difficult to remember even the simplest things to do. My energy level was at an all-time low- just getting out of bed was a taxing effort. Lack of sleep was becoming routine and night sweats were the norm. I saw the information during a visit for my husband’s weight loss program and thought it couldn’t hurt to give it a try. Reviewing my first set of labs with Dr. Scinta revealed so much that I couldn’t believe that I was even functioning on a day by day basis. Within a week and a half after my first insertion of the pellets I knew I made the best decision ever. I actually began to sleep through the night, awake with energy and dry clothes (The night sweats are completely gone!). My ability to multi-task and plan ahead improved greatly that I felt like a human being again. I will continue to take the pellets for as long as I can and highly recommend and encourage others to give it a try.

Gloria : I had not felt like this in years after hormone replacement therapy*

Over the last decade, I began to feel more sluggish and tired. I gained weight and no matter what I did, I could not lose any. I was enduring a multitude of “female” issues for no apparent reason other than aging but I was otherwise healthy. I did not feel engaged in life or feel like myself and there were times I felt like I was “too emotional”.I realized I had to do something because I was not getting any answers and could not believe that, as I was being told, “this is just normal aging”.

I made an appointment to see Dr. Scinta. The staff here is great! Dr. Scinta and her staff made me feel comfortable and actually listened to how I was feeling, what my symptoms were and what I thought I should feel like if I felt “normal” for me. They had my blood tested and found that, while my estrogen and other factors were within optimal ranges, my testosterone was almost non-existent.

I was started on a low dose of testosterone and my body accepted the pellets very well with no side effects. After a couple of weeks, I felt like my old self. I had not felt like this in years!

It has taken a couple of insertions to get the dosing optimal for me and I could not be happier. I have not had any negative side effects and feel like I have my life back!


Rob: Clearer Thinking and A New Lease On Life After Hormone Replacement Therapy*

I’ll be honest; I was a little skeptical before receiving hormone replacement therapy, but it is one of the best investments that I have ever made. I say it’s an investment because it’s an investment in you.

Prior to receiving my first SotoPelle testosterone, I had very low energy, lethargy, a sense of hopelessness and every year I found it harder and harder to keep the weight off. Then lo and behold I stumbled on Dr. Scinta and it has completely turned my life around. I am full of energy. I have clear thinking. My blood pressure even went down considerably. The feeling of melancholy that I once carried with me is now a faint memory. My outlook on life is much improved. The staff at Medical Weight Loss Of New York is friendly and very professional. From the ladies at the front office to the staff in the back, each and every one of them treats you with dignity and respect.

If you are skeptical like me and are not sure, believe me when I tell you the results are worth it. Remember it’s an investment in you. Godspeed.Robert

Dave: Increased Energy and Feeling Younger With Testosterone Therapy*